Kristen's Site

Let's see...about me. Well, first and foremost, Jesus Christ
is the most important Person in my life! Without Him, I
would be nothing.

I am 24, and a competitive figure skater, as well as a
coach to little ones. Skating is my passion! I love every
moment I am on the ice, and look forward to hopefully
a long career in the sport. And no, if you are wondering
if you've ever seen me on TV, you haven't.
At least not yet...who knows what the future will
bring! =) I have been blessed with wonderful coaches
who mean the world to me! I have formed many
life-long friendships with other skaters, and have
been able to do things through skating, that I
only dreamed of. I pray that I will always be able to
use my skating to glorify the Lord.

I go to the most wonderful church in the
world...The Gathering Place. My pastor is probably the
kindest person I know, and his love and fervor for
the Lord is contagious. I love you Pastor Sam!

I am very close to my family, and we do a lot
together. My whole family is so supportive of my skating,
through all the ups and downs, and make it all
possible. I owe them the world and love them dearly.

Hobbies ~

I love to read and write stories...I'm hoping to
have a book published very soon. I enjoy travelling...
and I can't wait to go back to Germany, as well as explore more of Europe.
I like going to movies and hanging out with friends.

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